Five Element Reflexology

Five Element Reflexology is an excellent assessment tool enabling me to more fully understand the possible root cause of a particular problem. Symptoms are merely a sign that the body is trying to tell us something is wrong and the balance has been disturbed. I believe, Five Element Reflexology is more effective because it attributes seemingly unrelated symptoms to an imbalance in a particular meridian. It also takes the best of traditional reflexology and combines it with the powerful healing effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques to deepen the effects of the treatment.

Restoring this balance can restore vibrant health and well-being and even prevent disease from taking hold.

A balanced body is capable of healing itself but becomes stuck in a state of imbalance during times of stress and illness or injury. Reflexology uses specific reflex points on the feet and hands which correspond to all the organs, glands and systems in the body to restore that original equilibrium and encourage healing.
In order for the body to be in full health, the physical body as well as the mind, emotions and spirit must be balanced. Treatment of the reflex areas on the feet and hands stimulates the healing powers of the whole person.
Susan Mackay of Good Healing Reflexology DOES NOT claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition. The information provided on this web site is to give you information about the service offered so that you can make an informed choice. This is not professional medical advice and is not a means of diagnosis or treatment, nor is it intended to be a substitute of allopathic healthcare. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a general health question, it is recommended you should consult your doctor. The services provided by Good Healing Reflexology are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical conditions.
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